حافظ مطير | Statement from Yemen’s Aqial alliance on standing with the U

Statement from Yemen’s Aqial alliance on standing with the U.S. government on combating racist Hashemite terrorism.
We in the Yemeni national movement (Aqial) congratulate President Donald J. Trump on the swift and successful military operations that eliminated the top terrorist Qassem Soleimani and other notorious terrorists. This operation will make the world and the middle-east, in particular, a safer place from the racist Hashemite terrorism in both of its versions-the Sunni and the Shiite. Mr. President Donald J. Trump, on this great event that is celebrated by peace-loving people across the world, Yemen’s Aqial alliance wanted to highlight an important fact that the source of terrorism in the Middle East is the Hashemites and their ideology. The Hashemites have stripped nations in the Middle East from their national identity, culture and beliefs, and instilled the Hashemite version of Islam that teaches hatred, extremism, misogyny and intolerance. We also would like the U.S. and other countries of the free world to support Yemeni people and the people in Iraq and Lebanon on their fight against the racist Hashemite terrorism, and help them to establish democratic and prosperous governments that treat their citizens equally and denounce extremisms and human rights violations.
Issued by:
The national movement of Yemen, Aqial.
Friday-3 January-2020 A.D
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