توعية وتثقيف

Egyptians have a saying: “repetition teaches even the…

Egyptians have a saying: “repetition teaches even the donkey.” (It rhymes in Arabic.) They consider the donkey to be the epitome of hard-headed stupidity, which is perhaps unfair, but that’s not the topic of this post.

Some conservative media, such as the Fox Network, have also figured out that by incessantly repeating something, no matter how absurd, they can drill it into the minds of the gullible. This way they managed to turn words like ‘liberal’, ‘anti-fascist’, and ‘progressive’ into curse-words.

In fact, these are some of the most noble words in the dictionary. A ‘liberal’ is a person who is so educated, cultured, and enlightened, that he/she is tolerant of others, open minded to change, upholds the ideals of equality, freedom, and fairness. What could be bad about that?! Yet we have 74 million Americans obsessed with idea of “sticking it to those friggin’ libs.”

Now consider the word anti-fascist. What could be bad about being ‘anti-fascist’, (antifa)? Would you rather be pro-fascist? Wasn’t America a principal member of the anti-fascist coalition that defeated Nazism in Europe at a huge cost in life and treasure? Do you have any idea what Fascism is and what it could do to you? You don’t have to know; it was bad enough to justify losing 50 million lives to defeat it.

Finally, take the word ‘progressive’. A progressive person is someone who wants things to become better. That is what progress means. A conservative, the opposite of progressive, is someone who wants things to stay the way they are (as long as he is ahead, of course.) What could be more noble than being progressive? than wanting to make life better for the disadvantaged? Yet they managed to convince some of those disadvantaged themselves that it is better to keep things the way they are, with them at the bottom of the heap.

And these are not the only words they managed to “flip”. They did the same with other words like ‘elite’, ‘intellectual’, etc., that used to be positive before the conservative revival.

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