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Book Review: ‘In Cold Blood’ by Truman Capote…

Book Review: ‘In Cold Blood’ by Truman Capote

My esteemed Facebook-friend, Professor Fawzan Shaltout, brought this book to our attention in a post. I had heard of Capote, of ‘Breakfast at Tiffany’s’, and even of ‘In Cold Blood’ itself before, but had never read any of Capote’s works. Now, trusting my friend’s judgment in all matters literary and artistic, I promptly downloaded the book.

‘In Cold Blood’ is a a crime thriller about actual events that took place in Kansas back in the Eisenhower years. And a thriller it indeed is – I almost literally could not put the tablet down until I had turned the last page.

Somehow the book brought to mind two other unrelated works – ‘The Satanic Verses’ by Salman Rushdie, and ‘Master and Margarita’ by Boris Pasternak. The commonality lies in the fact, that each one of these books starts with a few dozen pages of solid, sterling, prose, then devolves after that into hundreds of pages of plain, newspaper-grade writing. You can almost feel the publisher prodding the writer: “Write some more! I need more pages … !”

But the book does offer an insight into the minds of those who commit the most cruel acts without reason or discernible motives. The thoughtful reader will draw the right conclusions about the pervasiveness of senseless violence as a result of the promiscuous availability of weapons in America.

The book’s cover, shown here, cleverly portrays the environment of the events – the endless, feature-less, plains of western Kansas covered by the proverbial “big sky”.

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‫5 تعليقات

  1. Hopefully, the book brings some awareness about the magnitude of gun violence across the country, to which we wake up every morning. It’s so sad that one became almost numb to the shooting news, giving the frequency of such horrible acts.
    Thank you for sharing dear friend 🙏

  2. عندي حساسيه من الروايه الطويله
    و لسبب غير منطقي
    اعتقد انه نقلا عن معاناة والدي رحمه الله

    قراءة روايه جيده ( او مايشبهها ) خاصة اذا كانت ب توصيه من اساتذتنا الكبار د متي و د شلتوت
    بالتاكيد فيها بعد معايشه حياه تانيه

    كان والدي بيحرر باب ل مكتبك في مجله حواء
    كانت الكتب اهداءات
    و كان مفروض يعلق عليها
    و كانت عشرات الكتب و الروايات المكتوبه من قبل شباب و قادمين جدد الي الساحه
    و كان معظمها زي ما كان بيقول
    لاقيمه له
    و ضيع عليه وقت و جهد كان ممكن يستغلهم في قراءة ما هو افضل ب كثير ( رغم انه كان قاريء ) نهم

    كان بعضها له قيمه
    كتاب حسن فؤاد
    عن بيكاسو معجزة الرجل و الفنان واحد منها
    و كتاب د عبد المحسن صالح
    مسكين عالم الذكور
    و مؤلف انيس منصور
    ٢٠٠ يوم حول العالم
    كانوا بعضها
    و لكن في معظمها كانت اعمال مجهوله ل مجهولين
    قله منهم ظلموا لانهم فضلوا مجهولين
    و اغلبيه ساحقه كان الافضل انهم يظلوا زي ما همه

    كان بيسمي ( واجب ) قراءة كتب من هذه النوعيه
    و كان معظمها روايات

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