منظمات حقوقية

المنصة حقها | Discrimination is a form of violnce against women. التمييز صورة من صور العنف

المنصة حقها Her Honor Setting The Bar

November 25 is recognized worldwide as the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women but the reason for the UN selecting this date is not widely known. In 1999, the United Nations General Assembly chose this date to honor the Mirabal Sisters, three Dominican sisters and political dissidents who were assassinated by henchmen of the Dominican dictator Rafael Trujillo on this day in 1960.

The sisters, Patria, Minerva, and Maria Teresa were active opponents of the brutal Dominican dictator who ruled the Dominican Republic from 1930 until his assassination in 1961. The women formed an opposition group against the Trujillo regime called the Movement of the Fourteenth of June,… More

المنصة حقها Her Honor Setting The Bar, profile pictureImage may contain: 3 people

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