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المنصة حقها | Here we start the new year with such motivating and delightful news Her Honor

المنصة حقها Her Honor Setting The Bar

Here we start the new year with such motivating and delightful news ????
Her Honor Setting The Bar Founder Dr. Omnia Gadalla is included in the list of Most Influential People in the Legal Filed 2020.
نبدأ معكم العام الجديد بمشاركتكم خبر محفز وسعيد ????
تم اختيار مؤسسة مبادرة المنصة حقها كواحدة من أكثر الشخصيات تأثيرا في المجتمع القانوني لعام ٢٠٢٠.
يأتي ذلك تتويجا لجهود المبادرة وانشطتها ومساعيها في قضية حق المرأة المصرية في تولي القضاء ومكافحة التمييز ضدها.
#HerHonorSettingTheBar #المنصة_حقها #هي_والمنصة #حقوق_المرأة #IAWJ #end_discrimination_against_women #Law #Constitution #Discrimination #Feminism #قانون #دستور #تمييز #نسوية #GenderEquality #WomenJudges #Feminists #ThePowerOfYourStory #WD2019 #مصرية_ع_المنصة #GenderEqualtiyMatters #womenEmopwerment #womenDeliver #WomnsRights #Egypt #HerHonor #مصر #النيابة_العامة #مجلس_الدولة #State_Council #Public_Prosecution

As 2020 is almost over, we wanted to end this year by thanking the people who have the most influence in the legal community, so here is the list of ???????????? ???????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????? ???????? ???????????????? Waleed M. ElFarrs founder of The Legalist – ليجلست, with more than 40 videos full of legal knowledge, career advice, and life lessons on his Youtube channel & more than 6k subscribers, you can tell how much effort Waleed have put during 2020 Yasmeen Afifi founder of Egyptian Legal Community (ELC), If you are looking for a job or legal advice then you must join this group, Yasmeen not only succeded to gather the legal community in just one place but also the one behind ???????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????? ???????????? ???????????? ????????????????????????????????… More

المنصة حقها Her Honor Setting The Bar, profile pictureImage may contain: 8 people, text that says '2020 MOST INFLUENTIAL PEOPLE'

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