منظمات حقوقية

المنصة حقها | تلقت “المنصة حقها” دعوة للمشاركة في المؤتمر الدولي لـ “الشبكة العالمية لنزاهة

المنصة حقها Her Honor Setting The Bar

تلقت “المنصة حقها” دعوة للمشاركة في المؤتمر الدولي لـ “الشبكة العالمية لنزاهة السلطة القضائية” والذي تعقده “منظمة الأمم المتحدة لمكافحة الجريمة والمخدرات” في الفترة من 24-27 فبراير 2020، والمقرر أن تتحدث فيه الدكتورة أمنية جادالله مؤسسة مبادرة المنصة حقها في يوم 25 فبراير 2020 في جلسة” “Institute for African Women in Law ،والتي ستدور حول “Enforcing Judicial Integrity Through Codes of Conduct and Ethics Training”
“Her Honor Setting The Bar” received an invitation to participate in “the Global Judiciary Network” conference “High-Level Meeting of the Global Judicial Integrity Network “Past, Present, Future” held by “the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) 24-27 February 2020.… More

المنصة حقها Her Honor Setting The Bar, profile pictureMay be an image of 6 people and text that says 'GLOBAL JUDICIAL INTEGRITY NETWORK GLOBAL JUDICIAL INTEGRITY NETWORK 13th 4,000 CREATE NETWORK prevention adopted criminal ntegrationofcrime agenda Declaration andCrime, United corruption mbitious Declaration Boosting 46 TRAINING ETHICS TRAINING PACKAGE althreat launched strengthening across 2,000 SOURCES RESOURCE LIBRARY globe corruptior Network promotes networking opportunities facilitates provides technical Network open members judiciaries stakeholders,'May be an image of text that says 'CONNECTING AND Promoting opportunities areconducte PARTICIPANTS exchange opportunities documenting support. opportunities experiences prepare practical guidancematerials, institution building legislative ssistance, support With PROVIDING ONLINE JUDICIAL INTEGRITY RESOURCES launch fthe members judiciaries approximate resource tytopics. submissions podcasts contains multimedia additiona resources, JUDICIAL ETHICS TRAINING TOOLS identify address technical ethics needs, package consist Learning ourse;and activities orkshops jurisdictions judiciaries newly nderstanding equirements againstCorruption Bangalore United Nations onvention www.unodc.org/ji unodec-judicialintegrity@un.org UNODC FLAWFULNESS'

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